Ask your MP to support a frequent flyer levy

Our new research* shows that to hit our climate targets, the UK needs to urgently cut back on flying. But if we approach this the right way, we can win big for the climate and protect occasional air travel for all.  

We've found that if the 23% of people in the UK who fly most frequently cut back a bit, and don’t exceed four return trips per year, we can get flights onto a safer pathway for the climate, with most of us not having to change our travel habits at all! If enough MPs get behind a frequent flyer levy*, we can make this a reality.

Will you show your MP our latest research, and ask them to back the frequent flyer levy? We've created a template email for you to use, but if you have time please add in your own comments too. 

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*Read the full report at

**A frequent flyer levy is a progressive tax which would be charged at zero on each person’s first return flight in a given year, and then increase per flight which they take in that time period. This would protect access to occasional air travel for all of us so we can still make the journeys that are really important to us, such as visiting family who live far away, while disincentivizing the frequent leisure travel that causes most of the harm to the climate from aviation. See our website for more information about our frequent flyer levy campaign