Lunch and learn: What does this new government mean for the climate? 

Join our free online event to find out about what this new government means for the climate, and what we can do together to inspire bigger ambition and bolder action from our leaders. 

Date: Thursday, 25th July 
Time: 1pm - 2pm (BST) 
Where: Online via web conferencing platform, Zoom
What to expect: 

  • An overview of the new Labour government's climate policies. 
  • Examples of what (else) we want to see from this new government (policy suggestions that were not in Labour’s manifesto but should have been).
  • Plans and tactics for making this government (and your MP) go bigger and bolder on climate action.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the event. But if there are particular questions you have or topics you’d like us to cover, please let us know in advance and we’ll try our best to include them. 

Sign up by entering your details below and we will send you joining link by email.