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Tell Transport for London you want a climate-friendly Thames crossing. 

A new Thames crossing is opening next year, and right now, it’s only going to be open to motor traffic. We know that this would only increase traffic and make air pollution worse. 

We’ve proposed a climate-friendly alternative - a vision for Silvertown Tunnel which prioritises walking, wheeling and public transport.* But Transport for London isn’t listening.

Now's the time to speak up. Transport for London is currently consulting on their plans for the tunnel, but this consultation closes on Tuesday 3rd September

Will you help us oppose new roads, and get the best deal possible for Londoners’ health and the climate? Simply type in your details below to view the template email, and hit SEND. If you have time, please edit the response to reflect your own views. 

If you click 'no' we won't be able to send you urgent updates from our campaigns to tackle the climate crisis, and the steps we all need to take together. Click 'yes' to stay looped in.

*Under our proposals, the car-free crossing would be entirely toll-free in order to incentivise journeys made without private cars. This is in line with the Mayor’s own transport strategy which calls for 80% of trips in London to be made by walking, wheeling, cycling or public transport by 2041. You can see our proposals for Silvertown Tunnel at www.wearepossible.org/latest-news/car-free-tunnel.